Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Marines

I watched The Marines today. I really like how they show show many aspects of the Marine Corps. The debate on whether women will be officially allowed in combat one day was interesting.

There was a quote from a retired Marine that really struck home. He said something to the effect of "Quiting is endemic. You quit once, you'll quit again. We don't tolerate that in the Marines." I was a quiter. All my life, I've always taken the path of least resistance. Even now, I want to lose the last 17 pounds, but I'm being lazy about it. Sure, I work out almost every day and I lose a pound or two a week, but that's not enough. I still allow myself to overeat at least twice a week, I skip workouts usually once a week, I eat things that I know are hindering my progress. Even today, I made brownies (which I'm taking to work on Monday).

My initial goal was to DEP by the end of April. If I stick to the path I'm on now, it won't be until the end of July. I'm not going to be a quiter anymore. I will lose those 17 pounds by the end of June, if not sooner. There is no other option for me. I can't see a future for myself other than the Marine Corps. I'm going to prove to myself and to the world that I have what it takes, before boot camp.

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