Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Makeover for Me

This is an awesome image. I found it on an article bashing an advertisement (I think it's from 1995), but hell, it sure works for me. That's definitely the makeover I want.

The wording is a bit hard to read, so here it is (at least what I think it says):
"You can change the shade of your lipstick or you can change your life.
Because the changes you make on the inside are the ones that will last forever.
Changes that build character take you farther, make you stronger and smarter.
That's the kind of change you can look forward to as a woman in the Marine Corps.
If you're ready for change like this, we're ready for you."


Unknown said...

Here's the brochure that got me in...

Unknown said...

If I wasn't already set on it, that would seal the deal.