Thursday, November 20, 2008

Update 11/20

There's not too much to update. I did my Tuesday run and made it a bit further in 25 minutes. I realized I can push myself a bit harder than I have been. I was supposed to run today, but I slept like crap last night and I'm developing a cold. Orange juice has been my best friend today, so hopefully I'll be good to go tomorrow morning. If not, it'll happen Saturday.

On a personal note, I realized how much I'm getting screwed over financially living here, so I might be finding my own place soon. I moved in here to save money, but living on my own would cost about the same, and I'd have a landlord that would actually fix things that are broken. There would also be less temptation to eat unhealthy, too. It's definitely something I need to put a lot of thought into.

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