I figured it's time to lay out the pros and cons for Officer vs Enlisted so that I can start getting my head straight on this thing. I've been thinking if I could get in shape by the end of May, I'd have enough time to fill out all my paperwork, get my waivers, get approved, and go to OCC in October. However, I was on MarineOCS.com tonight, and one of the threads talks about how competitive June is, and how you have to have a really good PFT score to get in. I know I won't have a great PFT score by June and by that time, the October class will probably be pretty full. I really really really don't want to have to wait until June 2010 to join the Marines, so my dilemma now is do I try for officer and possibly be hosed until next June, or do I just go enlisted, put in a solid four years, then shoot for officer?
To be honest, I kind of want to go enlisted first, but officer seems the smarter choice (and everyone I talk to seems to think I should go officer). Here are my pros for both.
Pros for Enlisted:
-Can go to boot sooner
-Can go to boot without a 275 PFT
-Will be guaranteed a job in a specific MOS
-Will actually get to do that job instead of just supervise
-Can do OCS in four years when I'm 32
Pros for Officer:
-Make about $13k more than enlisted
-Get my own place (hopefully), possibly allowing me to have my cat sooner (I may never get to have my cat again if I go enlisted)
-My B.S. will mean something more than E-2
I'm going to contact the OSO next week to hopefully get a better idea of what my chances are like so I can plan for the future.
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