Sunday, January 11, 2009

Short-Term Goal Reached

I weighed myself this morning and I've lost two more pounds. I'm now at 190. That was my first short-term goal, so I rewarded myself with a new Run to Cadence soundtrack. I got the U.S. Marines, Vol II.

I went running today, too. I've decided to focus on distance on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and speed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I wasn't able to reach the 1.5 mile mark, but I will by the end of the week. Then next week will be 2 miles, then 2.5, and so on. I really wish I hadn't slacked off for the last two months, but all I can do is try my best now.

I joined a Biggest Loser challenge on SparkPeople, so I'll have a group of people that will be counting on me to lose weight. I think that will help a lot, along with the realization that if I don't get in gear, I won't be able to go to OCC in October and I'll be stuck here until next May. That thought really sobered me up (figuratively) and made me realize I need to buckle down. I will be on that bus in October.

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