Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ab Routine

I figured I'd post the ab routine I'm going to try, just in case some others who read this are in my position and need a bit of help. This was sent to me by Munzino, from Thanks Munzino!!

Core strength is the key to all upper body strength. So a good ab workout is a start. Practice crunches the same way you will be doing them on the PFT. If you don't have someone to hold your feet, just pop them under a couch. Cross your arms across your chest, and move up until your elbows touch part of your legs. Now you need to see what your max is. So keep going and don't take a break longer than 3 seconds or so. Once you hit your max, whatever that may be, round it up to the nearest multiple of 5 (ex: max was 13, round to 15, max was 26, round to 30). Once you have rounded this number up that is your target goal. I'll come back to this in a second.

Next, pushups. What you want to do is find your target goal for this exercise also. If you have trouble doing pushups straight away, just put your knees on the floor for now. You won't be lifting your whole body weight, but this will help build initial strength until you can do full pushups. So reach your max, round it up to 5 like you did with the crunches.

Now that you have target goals for both pushups and crunches it's time to start a program everyday. We'll keep it simple for now.

- Do 3 sets of crunches to your target goal
- Do 3 sets of pushups to your target goal

On both of these exercises try to maintain proper form, and complete the whole set without stopping. In saying that it's more important to maintain proper form than finishing each set weakly. So take a quick break if you have to but keep pushing. Also, between sets try to keep the break down to 1-3 minutes. So do a set, break 1-3 minutes, another set, break 1-3 minutes, etc.



Steve said...

Pushup/crunch combos are surprisingly rough on your core, which means they are good stuff. I did a workout with a 2nd Lt. on PTAD that was working at my OSO's office that was somewhat similar to this:

15 pushups (regular)
15 pushups (diamond)
15 pushups (wide)
15 pushups (tricep)

15 hello-dollys
15 flutter kicks
15 steam engines
15 leg raises

then 12x of all of those. It was brutal. Obviously you can scale the reps. If you don't know what any of those exercises are, they should be pretty google-able, but I will tell you that tricep pushups are done with your hands directly under your shoulders, and your elbows touching your sides.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Sorry! Update is posted. I took a few days off so I didn't have anything new to add. :) Thanks for keeping me on track, though!