Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone. I hope all is going well. I got up and went for a run this morning. Right now, my lamb is marinating for dinner tonight.

I just got done talking to my Grama. I'm always bummed when I hang up the phone. We don't talk a lot (she's not much one for words), but she practically raised me. We lived with her until I was 16, then we moved only half a mile up the road (it was still on her property--she has 800+ acres). I lived with her again for a year or two when I moved back home from Ohio, too. What really gets me is she never used to be affectionate. I don't recall her ever saying "I love you" when I was younger. But now she says it whenever I talk to her, see her, or get a letter from her. It makes me sad, in a way. I think she's starting to realize her own mortality (she's 75, I think), which sucks. She's Grama. She should live forever.

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