Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting Back in the Game

I took it easy the last week and a half or so, but it was a good thing. I think my body needed time to recoup. My legs felt like goo all day, every day, and my knees hurt constantly; I just needed a break. I still worked out, but not as much, and I didn't run. My body was thanking me, and I lost 4 pounds.

I'm back on track now, though. Did a short run this morning to get back in the swing of things and I'm going to do Level 2 of 30-Day Shred today.

Reading: I'm about halfway through Miracle at Belleau Wood. It's interesting to see the lead-up to the battle. It was really quite the cluster before the Marines got there. As intriguing as history is, I can't figure out why I hated it so much in high school.

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