Monday, July 13, 2009


Today was my second day of morning PT with a buddy. Someone else actually joined us, too. He's a current Poolee, who had trouble with the run they did on Friday afternoon. There were some others who were supposed to show up, but never did. I will be honest, I didn't give it my all this morning. The Poolee was having some trouble with cramps, so it gave me an excuse to slack off, and I took it. I know I shouldn't have, but I did. I was really dreading PT this morning. I know I did well on Friday, but I hate feeling like I can't catch my breath. I did better on breathing today, but that was mostly because I wasn't running as hard. I still managed to get some nasty shin splints, though. I'm going to watch Stop-loss and ice them for awhile. Tomorrow I hope we work on the other aspects of the PFT and just do a short run. I don't know if it would be good for my shins to run all out again.

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