Monday, June 22, 2009

Back on Track!

Well, I'm back on track for the most part. I've been keeping my calories pretty steady around 1500 and I'm doing better with the exercise. This morning I ran about .75 of a mile and walked the rest (2 total). It was too hot to do more, so I came home and did an exercise video instead. After work, I went to Beall's and got a couple new pairs of shorts. These are a bit longer and feel better than the ones I have now. Shorts are my bane when running. I spend more time pulling them back into place than actually running. These new shorts should be more comfortable and less hassle.

Reading: I'd gotten off track on my Marine Corps reading (like everything else), so tonight I went to the library and got some books. In my stash now are a couple of the Ender books from Orson Scott Card, No True Glory and The Pepperdogs by Bing West, and This Kind of War, from the USMC reading list. I also requested Semper Fi, which is a fictional book by W.E.B Griffin. I'm hoping the moto in these books will be a further push in the right direction.

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