Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quick Update

I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. I don't know what happened, I just lost all my motivation somehow. But I did a quick run this morning and I plan on doing kickboxing tomorrow morning. I came up with a trick that I hope will work. At work, we tend to get Starbucks a lot, and that can get expensive. So I came up with a plan. If I run, I can put $1 in my Starbucks cup (which is actually a cup from Zaxby's...). If I do my push-ups, I can put in a quarter. When they get Starbucks, I can only get something if I have the money for it in my cup. Four runs a week is $4, which is enough for a small latte. I also put my Marine Corps token on my snooze button, to remind myself why I need to get up in the mornings.

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